Tankebanen forlag / utopos publishing
A part of Ereignis Center for Philosophy and the Arts.
ankebanen forlag is a Norwegian publisher established in 2018 by a small group of enthusiasts. We publish printed and electronic books, with a special interest in cutting-edge scholarship, poetry, and fiction.
We are not a book-store. In our catalogue you will find links to stores where you can purchase our books. We publish the international peer-reviewed journal Inscriptions.
All our publications are reviewed by independent consultants. We do not charge publication fees for our books.
Submit your manuscript electronically to post@tankebanen.no. We respond in writing to all submissions.
Our postal address is
Kong Haakons plass 32,1532 Moss, Norway
We are registered in Norway as
Publisher no. 978-82-93659Business (uninc.) no. 919.322.179
Tankebanen forlag and our English-language imprint utopos operates under the guidance of an Editorial Council, whose members are appointed by the publisher:
- Torgeir Fjeld, Publisher
- Prof. Sharif Abdunnur, Senior Consulting Editor
- Prof. Jørgen Veisland, Consulting Editor
It is necessary to think, under the name of the void, the outside-place [utopos] on the basis of which any place — any situation — maintains itself with respect to its being. That the without-place (Άτοπον) signifies the absurd causes one to forget that the point, precisely in not being a place, can mitigate the aporias of the void. Alain Badiou
Last updated: 30 October, 2023