Our faculty
Head, Ereignis Center for Philosophy and the Arts and Publisher at Tankebanen forlag. Areas of interest: philosophy (media and technology), cultural theory (sport and nationalism), and Scandinavian studies. More: torgeirfjeld.com/.
Gray Kochhar Lindgren is Honorary Professor of Humanities at the University of Hong Kong and Founding Co-Director of Wild Studios Consulting. He teaches, facilitates workshops, and writes philosophically inflected inquiries across a range of disciplines. Having recently published Pintxos: Small Delicacies and Chance Encounters with Ereignis' utopos imprint, his current writing projects are The Event of Noir: Metaphysics and the Detectives, Painting Philosophy, and Becoming Elemental. He lives on Whidbey Island, WA, USA.
reads, writes, and makes things.
Christopher Norris is Professor Emeritus at the University of Cardiff, Wales. Chris has published many books on aspects of philosophy, literary theory and the history of ideas; also, more recently, several volumes of poetry on philosophical and literary topics.
Professor at Japan International University in Ibaraki, Japan, with an expertise in contemporary European philosophy, political economy, and existential psychoanalysis.
Jørgen Steen Veisland is associate professor of Scandinavian, American and Comparative Literature at the University of Gdańsk, Poland, where he has been employed since 1992. Previous appointments include The International People’s College, Denmark; The University of Wisconsin-Madison; The University of California, Berkeley, and Fudan University, Shanghai. He is a member of The International Association for Scandinavian Studies and The International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism. He is the author of numerous articles on Scandinavian and American literature and of several books.
Award-winning Palestinian/Lebanese/American speaker and film-maker, whose workshops have featured on TedTalks, on international film-festivals an in many other contexts where creative people meet.
Dr. Mehdi Parsa was Professor at Allameh Tabataba’i University in Tehran, where he taught contemporary European philosophy. His PhD is from the University of Bonn. He specializes on contemporary European philosophy.
Dr. Adam Staley Groves is an experienced university lecturer specializing in the development of undergraduate, interdisciplinary education. Adam holds PhDs from the University of Aberdeen the European Graduate School. He is currently a Lecturer with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and previously a Fellow of Tembusu College at the National University of Singapore where he received awards for teaching excellence and module development. Adam has published poetry, criticism, and academic essays.
Alex Taek-Gwang Lee is a professor of cultural studies and a founding director of the Centre for Technology in Humanities at Kyung Hee University, Korea. He is also a visiting professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at the University of Brighton (UK) and the Graduate School at The University of Santo Tomas (Philippines). He served as an academic advisor for Gwangju Biennale in 2017 and as a program manager for the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2021. He co-edited the third volume of The Idea of Communism (2016) and Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Postmedia (2023) and authored Communism After Deleuze (2025) and Made in Nowhere: Essays on the Asiatic Modes of Existence (2025).
Dimitar Ganov is a PhD in Political Philosophy, Chief Assistant at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests are related to left radicalism, philosophy of history, political and social ontology. Author of the monographs "The Narrative of Left Radicalism", "How We Feed Our Capitalism" and "Ontology of Fortuity" (in Bulgarian).